Beauty, Beauty Accessories, Beauty Care, Body, Massages, Tools and Essentials
Postquam Anti-Cellulite Massager
Manual anti-cellulite massager that improves blood circulation and reduces the orange peel effect. Thanks to...
Body, Massages
AC Foot Massager 506a
Sensational infrared foot massager. The surface of the acupressure and massage device supports the stimulation...
Body, Body Machines, Electrical, Massages
Heating Neck Massager
PROFILED -?a horn-shaped pillow?ensures the proper maintenance of... Beauty Care, Body, Massages
SP Grapeseed Oil 500ml
Grapeseed Oil
This essential oil of Grapeseed from Aromatruth is fine quality, 100% pure diluted oil... Body, Massages
Postquam Jade Massaging Roller Kobido-Hisui
The KOBIDO is a Japanese millennial massage of proven effectiveness to rejuvenate and improve the...
All Types, Beauty Care, Body, Massages
Kaeso Body Moistiuriser Souffle 250ml
A luxurious daily moisturiser
Formulated to nourish, re-hydrate and help boost skin tone
Beauty Care, Body, Massages
XN Argan Massage Oil 500ml.
XanitaliaPro Sweet almond massage oil
Indulge in the natural relaxation and softness of XanitaliaPro Sweet Almond...
Beauty Care, Body, Massages
Mature skin - massage oil
Mature skin - massage oil
Sweet almond and avocado oil with essential oils of geranium, lavender... Beauty Accessories, Body, Massages
Hot stones for massage
Set of 36 basalt stones. The box contains a whole of oval and flat stones...
Beauty Care, Body, Massages
Kaeso Massage Oil With Premium Natural Oils 450ml
A relaxing body massage oil that works to moisturise and hydrate the skin.
Rejuvenates the senses
Beauty Care, Body, Massages
Kaeso Body Massage Sorbet Cream 450ml
An invigorating body massage cream designed to optimise any massage experience.
The luxurious body massage cream...