Postquam Color 6.73 Golden Brown Dark Blond 60ml
- Brand
PostQuam Cosmetic manufactures and markets cosmetic products for the professional beauty industry, as well as accessories, appliances, furniture, etc. In short, we are a global supplier of hairdressing and beauty centres.
PostQuam, created in Valladolid (Spain) in 1982, has been characterized from the outset for offering professionals quality products at the best price, sold directly from the Factory, without intermediaries, allowing us to compete with the best prices and take maximum care of quality.
In this spirit, PostQuam Cosmetic began to grow, first in Spain, then in Europe and now in other continents. Currently, there are 260 people in the Postquam Group team: chemists, hairdressers, sales staff, designers, etc. A wide range of high quality hairdressing and beauty products. Cosmetics, furniture, tools, everything the industry professional requires.
Quality and evolution
QUALITY: "Quality, our raison d’être" All our products are carefully designed using the most effective and innovative active ingredients. This is done by our R&D department, which investigates the major aesthetic problems and formulates specific products for their treatment.
During the manufacturing process, the careful training of our staff, the strict control of each product and the monitoring of traceability enable us to guarantee the highest quality of all our products. But the process does not end here. Service quality is very important to us, as we want to offer you the best product in the best conditions. Our Sales Department, along with the Logistics Department and the Incident Department, make sure you receive your order without any problems. We are so confident that you will be satisfied that, if not, we will refund your money.
WE CHANGE: "We change with the market" The world and society are subject to constant change, which means that any company has to deal with the new trends and demands if it wants to survive. To PostQuam, new fashions are an inspiration that leads us to change and seek ever more innovative and competitive products.
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