In fact, there are different grades of 440 with VERY different properties.
There are 440A, 440B, and 440C.
440A and 440B are ?softer? grades of 440 Steel. While they are VERY rust-resistant and will take a great-looking mirror-polished finish, they will not hold an edge nearly as well as 440C. Factories use milder steel because the blades are stamped out of a sheet of steel using dies. 440C is too hard and expensive for this process. Some manufactures are intentionally vague about the type of steel they use. If the blade is marked ?stainless steel,? ?surgical stainless,? or just ?440 stainless,? you can bet it is 440A or 440B.
440C is considerably better and more expensive steel, and if a blade is made from 440C it will almost always be described as, or marked, ?440C?.
This is one of the primary differences between mass-produced factory knives and handmade custom knives. Factories must use milder steel for the stamping process. A custom maker does not have this restriction since each blade is cut by hand, so a custom maker will almost always use the better cutlery steels.
Design of Handle
Haircutting scissors are the most basic and essential tool for every barber. This is regardless of whether they are a professional or simply an amateur. Apart from the regular hair cutting shears, there are a few other types of barber shears. These are used for different hair-cutting techniques. Since these scissors are a hairstylist?s artistic tool, they must be different to achieve different ends. For example, there are different shears for cutting, thinning, texturizing, and styling.